2023, Number 46
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (46)
Clinical competence in family medicine residents; an approach towards its evaluation. Multicenter design
Leyva GFA, Gómez AGM, Gómez CFJF, Bardales LD, Aguirre GMC, Vega MS, Guerrero HRE, Ceja AA, Martínez ÁJ, Beltrán LL, González DR, Hernández HMÁ, González SC, Leyva SRI, Gómez AMA, Cruz AA, Contreras ADA, Angulo BNB
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 40-56
PDF size: 561.59 Kb.
Introduction: In Mexico, this inquiry to the best of our
knowledge represents the first multicenter work that studies
the degree of development of clinical aptitude in four
Family Medicine Units of the Health Sector. Therefore,
the research question is : What is the degree of development
of clinical aptitude in three health institutions? This
study will provide knowledge that will allow undertaking
researches in which educational strategies that propitiate
the development of this aptitude are tested.
Objective: To determine the degree of development of
clinical aptitude in family medicine residents from four
academic sites.
Method: Prospective, cross-sectional, observational and
multicenter design. The entire enrollment of the 2019-
2020 academic year was studied with informed consent.
An instrument was constructed that assessed the variable
“clinical aptitude” by means of eight indicators and
182 items; conceptual, content and reliability validity was
assessed by five family physicians with teaching and
educational research experience.
Results: Of the four sites, the highest overall scores on the
indicators were achieved by the R1 of the Family Medicine
Unit # 20 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (UMF20
IMSS), R2 and R3 of the General Zone Hospital # 1 (HGZMF1
IMSS). UMF20 R1s achieved the highest scores on
3/8 indicators. The R2s and R3s of HGZMF1 achieved the
highest scores on 2/8 indicators. Differences were estimated
between R1s (n = 46), between R2s (n = 47) and
between R3s (n = 40) of the four sites by indicator and no
significant statistical differences were found in any case.
Conclusions: The degree of development of clinical aptitude
can be considered medium level in the four academic
sites. This can be partly explained by the fact that
the instrument explored problematic clinical situations,
which required the resident to reflect critically on his previous
clinical experience.
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