2022, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2022; 12 (2)
Body composition, presence of anorexia nervosa and associated symptoms in folkloric dancers
Ortega-Luyando M, Sánchez-Trejo BG, Amaya-Hernández A, Álvarez-Rayón GL, Balderrama-Díaz R, Mancilla-Díaz JM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 119-129
PDF size: 172.92 Kb.
Given the strict discipline in dancing activities and on the body requirements, wide research has
been performed on eating disorders (ED) in this field, however, data on folk dancers are scarce. For
this reason, the aim of this study was to know the body composition, body image, symptomatology
and presence of anorexia nervosa in professional folkloric dancers (
n = 37), recreational dancers (
= 37) and in a community sample (
n = 37). The study was carried out in two phases, in the first one,
the EAT-26 and BSQ instruments were administered, in addition, the body fat percentage (BFP), the
body mass index (BMI) and the skeletal muscle mass (SMM) were obtained. In the second phase,
those who exceeded the cut-off point of EAT-26 and/or BSQ were interviewed, as well as a control
group of the same sample that did not scored above the cut-off point of any instrument to detect false
negatives. Differences were only found between groups in BMI and BFP. According to the interviews,
no participant was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, but they were diagnosed with ED symptoms. It
is concluded that the body standards required in folk dance are high enough for dancers to perform
risky behaviors that could compromise their physical and psychological health.
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