2021, Number 282
Modification of knowledge about autoimmune poliendocrinopathies in Medical Sciences students
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 351.50 Kb.
Introduction: autoimmune diseases, although they are infrequent, are currently experiencing a growing incidence. Among the challenges of Immunology, morbidity and mortality rates due to autoimmunity stand out, however, even so, there is a great lack of knowledge on this subject, being necessary to modify this knowledge to implement better diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives.Objective: to evaluate the effect of the pre-event course II of the I Virtual National Student Scientific Conference of Immunology 2021, in the modification of knowledge about autoimmune poliendocrinopathies in students of Medical Sciences of the country.
Method: a quasi-experimental study was carried out, before and after, without a control group, of educational intervention in Cuban students of Medical Sciences, participants of the pre-event course II taught within the framework of the I Student Scientific Conference of Immunology, INMUNOCIEN 2021 , in May 2021. The universe was 220 Cuban students of Medical Sciences, participants in said scientific event; it worked with its entirety.
Results: students from Ciego de Ávila predominate (50 for 22.7%). The Medicine career stands out with a greater number of participation (83.2%), as well as the first year of the different specialties 30.5%. The least known topic was autoimmune poliendocrinopathies with 217 inadequate results (98.6%).
Conclusions: the intervention was effective because the knowledge about autoimmunity was increased in the participating Medical Sciences students after its application.
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