2021, Number 3
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Folia 2021; 15 (3)
Clinical-epidemiological behavior of patients diagnosed with syphilis at ''Miguel Enríquez'' University Hospital
Varela VSM, Daza VJT, Arocha GCR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 497.99 Kb.
Introduction: Syphilis or lues is an infectious disease that is usually spread through
sexual intercourse.
Objective: To determine the clinical-epidemiological behavior of patients
diagnosed with syphilis.
Methods: A descriptive, observational, longitudinal study was carried out. The
universe consisted of 129 patients, who attended the Dermatology clinic at Miguel
Enríquez Clinical Surgical University Hospital from June 2018 to June 2020 with a
diagnosis of syphilis. The statistical method of distribution and percentage was
applied as a summary measure of the quantitative variables. The results were
presented in tables and graphs.
Results: There was predominance in the age group between 19 and 28 years,
representating 45.7%. The female sex represented 53.5 %. The most frequent marital
status was free union, 41.1%. Heterosexuals represented 74.3%. Manifestations of
secondaryism were observed in 92.7%, and 37.8% reported having non-safe sex.
Conclusions: Most of the patients were young adults, female, and in civil union
status. In more than half of the patients, symptomatic early acquired syphilis
predominated, with clinical form of secondary disease, and treated with benzathine
penicillin. Most of the patients were heterosexuals who had non-safe sex.
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