2023, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (2)
Trauma-associated coagulopathy
Mercado-Avendaño G, Saavedra-Valencia ME, Herrera-Almanza L, Carvajal-Alzate M, Vergara-Yánez D, Cuartas-Agudelo YS, Martínez-Sánchez LM
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 273-287
PDF size: 269.80 Kb.
Blood homeostasis can be altered by multiple factors. One of them is trauma, which
usually occurs with hemorrhage generating alterations in the coagulation system.
When this occurs, it is called trauma-induced coagulopathy. This disease encompasses
disseminated intravascular coagulation, for which various factors that increase the
risk of suffering from it have been described and various diagnostic scales have been
developed. The objective of this review was to gather updated information on disseminated
intravascular coagulation in trauma patients, risk factors, pathophysiology,
diagnosis, and the use of thromboelastography in this clinical setting to provide key
aspects in the adequate care of trauma patients, such as the timely detection of risk
of coagulopathy through clinical criteria and the requirement of massive transfusion,
which, when properly implemented, reduces the mortality of these patients. A scientific
literature search was carried out during January 2021 in the Scielo, PubMed
and ScienceDirect databases using the following MeSH descriptors: trauma, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, diagnosis, treatment and thromboelastography;
1943 articles were located, of which those that were more up-to-date, exposing the
pathophysiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation, the diagnostic criteria,
treatment, or the use and advantages of thromboelastography were accepted, rejecting
1886 and selecting 57 articles for writing. Coming up next, a review about the
relevant and updated aspects of trauma-induced coagulopathy, in order to bring the
reader closer to the use of thromboelastography.
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