2023, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (2)
Prognostic factors of mortality in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome in a cohort of Cuban patients
Pérez de Alejo-Rodríguez MM, Hernández-Negrín H, Barreto-Fui EE, Jiménez-Domínguez LJ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 251-265
PDF size: 253.89 Kb.
Objective: To determine the mortality prognostic factors in patients with antiphospholipid
syndrome and to compare their survival according to the identified prognostic
Materials and Methods: Observational analytical case-control study carried
out in patients diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome treated at the Autoimmune
Diseases clinic of the Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital, Villa Clara, Cuba, from January
1990 to January 2015. They formed two groups: one with deceased patients and the
other with living patients.
Results: Twenty patients were included in the group of deceased and 80 in the group
of living patients. Multivariate analysis identified renal damage (p: 0.001; OR: 16.51;
CI: 1.27-23.38), neurological damage (p: 0.030; OR: 5.24; CI: 1.27-23.38), pulmonary
embolism (p: 0.033; OR: 9.76; CI: 1.20-79.28), false positivity for VDRL serology (p:
0.025; OR: 8.63; CI: 1.30 -57.14) and arterial thrombosis (p: 0.036; OR: 5.49; CI:
1.11-27.11).With the exception of arterial thromboses, the other factors determined a
significantly lower mean survival in the patients who manifested them.
Conclusions: The early identification of these prognostic factors can facilitate the
prediction of the outcome of this disease, which represents a decisive tool to prevent
fatal complications and decide the most appropriate therapeutic approach, thus contributing
to the improvement of the comprehensive care of patients with antiphospholipid
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