2021, Number 4
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and dermatomyositis. A case report
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 663-673
PDF size: 344.67 Kb.
Dermatomyositis is one of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. The clinically amyopathic presentation comprises a special group of patients, whose clinical picture is characterized by the presence of typical skin lesions, minimal or absent muscle involvement, and an increased risk of interstitial lung disease. The clinical case of a 47-years-old male patient is presented, with marked weight loss, slight proximal muscle weakness, general discomfort, heliotrope erythema, eyelid and thoracic edema and functional dysphagia. During admission, several complementary tests were performed, including creatinphosphokinase, which was normal, a chest tomography with the presence of interstitial fibrosis, and a muscle biopsy compatible with the changes of an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. During his evolution he developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum. As a result of the investigation, dermatomyositis was diagnosed, with pulmonary involvement. Because it is a rare entity with a high mortality that only decreases if powerful immunosuppressive treatment is started early and because in the case that the disease occurs it had not develop according to the classic forms described, it was decided to publish it. Currently the patient is under immunosuppressive treatment and in clinical evolution.REFERENCES
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