2021, Number 4
Preconception reproductive risk factors in women from Office 12 of Area II
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 572-579
PDF size: 334.50 Kb.
Background: attention to preconception reproductive risk is a priority in Cuba.Objective: to describe the preconception reproductive risk factors in women belonging to an office of the Dr. Cecilio Ruiz de Zarate Polyclinic, of the Municipality of Cienfuegos.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out during the period from April 1 to December 31, 2018, which included 142 women. The following were analyzed: age, schooling, occupation, partner relationship and biological, gyneco-obstetric and social risks.
Results: the age group of 20-34 years, 12th grade school level, female workers, smokers and with an unstable partner prevailed. High blood pressure and asthma were the most frequent biological risk factors. Pregnancy interruption prevailed as an obstetric antecedent. Females with 2-3 risk factors predominated.
Conclusions: it is important to know the preconception risk factors because it allows modifications to be made in some of them.
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