2023, Number 2
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2023; 27 (2)
Etiology of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) diagnosed by multiplex PCR-hibridization assay technique in a Colombian population attending the VID Clinical Laboratory in Medellin
Estrada-Mesa S, Arango-Pérez C, López-Jaramillo C, Quintero-Calle D, Sánchez-Zapata P
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 97-109
PDF size: 183.59 Kb.
Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are and will continue
to be a serious public health problem throughout the world according to WHO
data, with the aggravating factor that most cases are asymptomatic and, furthermore,
there is no other reservoir other than humans. The diagnosis can be made
with traditional and molecular tests, the latter include the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), of which there are several types, among them, multiplex PCR that has
the capacity to detect polymicrobial STIs from a single sample. The objective of
this study was to establish which were the most frequent sexually transmitted infections
in different groups of patients, as well as to determine the usefulness of the
multiplex PCR technique in the diagnosis of STIs.
Methodology. This is an observational,
cross-sectional study carried out between 2021 and 2022 with patients who
attended the VID Clinical Laboratory for suspected STIs. The collected samples
were evaluated using a commercial test based on the multiplex PCR technique
and hybridization. The samples processed were: urine and swabs from endocervix,
urethra, rectum, pharynx, and ulcers.
Results. The study included 1,027 patients, of
these, 228 (22.2%) were positive for different sexually transmitted agents, distributed
as follows: 50 (21.9%) women, 129 (56.6%) heterosexual men and 49 (21.5%)
men who had sex with men (MSM). The average age of the women was 30 years,
and that of both groups of men was 36 years. The microorganisms most frequently
identified in women were: C. trachomatis (A-K) in 28.6%, followed by herpes simplex
virus type 2 (HSV-2) in 26.8% and N. gonorrhoeae in 17.9%. In heterosexual
men they were C. trachomatis (A-K) in 37.5%, N. gonorrhoeae in 21.5% and HSV-2
in 18.7%. In MSM they were C. trachomatis (L1-L3) in 32.7%, followed by N. gonorrhoeae
in 27.6%, and C. trachomatis (A-K) and HSV-2, both in 13.8%. Polymicrobial
infection was identified in 11 heterosexual men, 8 MSM, and 6 women.
C. trachomatis (A-K) was the most prevalent STI-causing microorganism, followed
by N. gonorrhoeae in both groups of men, and HSV-2 in women, very similar
to that reported worldwide. The multiplex PCR test allows the detection of polymicrobial
infections commonly associated with STIs and the diagnosis is accurate and
reliable, even in asymptomatic patients.
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