2022, Number 3
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Rev Hematol Mex 2022; 23 (3)
Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma with atypical manifestation
Montes-Hernández V, Baldeón-Figueroa FA, Morales-Maravilla A, Cuautle-Mercado BA, Cuahutencos-Sandoval E, Loyola-Rodríguez G
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 222-229
PDF size: 484.55 Kb.
Background: Primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell
lymphoma is extremely rare, representing 1% of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. It is
characterized by an evolution of CD8+ T cells with an aggressive clinical behavior.
Clinical case: A 60-year-old male patient, with generalized dermatosis, morbilliform
rash, bullous lesions and eschars 1-2 cm in diameter on the trunk, abdomen
and extremities. Based on the skin biopsy and the clinical findings, the diagnosis was
primary cutaneous CD8+ aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma. Patient
received chemotherapy scheme with cyclophosphamide, etoposide, methotrexate, with
rescue with folinic acid and dexamethasone. We decided to administer rituximab as
immunotherapy for the accompanying inflammatory process, showing a decrease in
the inflammatory process, relieve in lesions and itching.
Conclusions: We consider that it is important not only to treat the neoplastic process,
but also the underlying inflammatory process, as has been seen in other oncological
conditions. In our case there was clinical and histopathological improvement treating
this condition.
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