2021, Number 3
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Universidad Médica Pinareña 2021; 17 (3)
Flip chart for the promotion of knowledge in relation to oral cancer
Rodríguez-García K, Montes-de-Oca-Carmenaty M, Chi-Rivas JC, del Todo PL, Berenguer-Gouarnaluses JA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 372.63 Kb.
Introduction: oral cancer is a worldwide health problem, which in recent years has increased its incidence. In this context, it is necessary to promote health as a fundamental element, both to increase knowledge in the population and to prevent this disease.
Objective: to create a flip chart for the promotion of knowledge in relation to oral cancer.
Method: a technological development research was carried out between September and December 2020, in the School of Dentistry at Santiago de Cuba University of Medical Sciences. A theoretical validation was carried out by means of Delphi method.
Results: prior to the use of the flip chart, 80 % of the respondents presented inadequate levels of knowledge and after the intervention, 97,33 % had adequate levels. Ninety percent of the older adults identified as adequate the ease of use and interaction of the product and the help in integrating the content; and 100 % determined as adequate the comprehension of the content; 100 % were motivated by the use of the product; 90 % of the specialists rated the quality of the flip chart and the quality of the content as high, while 100 % rated the quality of the design and its practical effectiveness as high.
Conclusions: the flip chart was made, which exposed the basic knowledge in relation to oral cancer. An increase in knowledge related to the topic was achieved after the participants interacted with the teaching aids.
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