2021, Number 3
Schizophrenia in psychiatry service's patients
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: the mental disorders represent 11 % of all the illnesses in the world, if measures are not adopted, this proportion will rise to 14 % in 2020. Objective: to characterize clinical and epidemically the schizophrenia in psychiatry service’ patient. Methods: It was carried out a descriptive and cross-sectional study, in psychiatry service’ patient of the Hospital “Comandante Pinares", San Cristobal, Artemisa, during 2018. Universe: 79 patients, being worked with the entirety of the cases. The study of the clinical histories allowed the obtaining of the information that gave exit to the studied variables. They were used for their presentation methods of descriptive statistic. The medical ethics was respected. Results: the patients prevailed between 25 and 34 years of age (30,4 %), half age 37,4 years old, standard deviation of 12,2; and masculine (51,9 %). The main clinical manifestations were disintegration of the thought (91,3 %) and disorganized behavior (84,8 %). The paranoid form (59,5 %) was the most representative. The main used neuroleptic was the haloperidol (72,2 %) and the trifluorperacine (48,1%). 55,7% had a fairly favorable clinical evolution. Conclusions: the patients prevailed between 25 and 34 years of age and masculine. These presented disintegration of the thought and behavior disorganized fundamentally. The paranoid form was the most representative. The main used neuroleptic was the haloperidol and the trifluorperacina. Most had a fairly favorable clinical evolution.REFERENCES
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