2023, Number 1
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Rev Mex Urol 2023; 83 (1)
Thulium Fiber Laser: game changer or marketing hype?
Gonzalez-Cuenca E, Razvi H
Language: English
References: 33
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Description: The Holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Ho:-
YAG) laser has become the gold-standard intracorporeal lithotripsy
device since it was first introduced in the 1980’s. More
recently, the Thulium Fiber Laser (TFL) was introduced into
the clinical setting, with the potential to address some of the
inherent limitations with Ho:YAG devices. In particular, early
experience suggested the TFL provided enhanced dusting and
fragmenting capabilities, less retropulsion and better stone free
rates compared to the Ho:YAG laser.
Relevance: Should the initial claims of the TFL’s better dusting
properties be confirmed, this would be a significant advancement
in the field. The ability to dust larger stones more rapidly
could enhance the role of ureteroscopy and reduce the need for
more invasive procedures.
Conclusion: The initial experience with the TFL is promising
and suggests an advantage over Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy. Properly
conducted prospective randomized trials are required to
further delineate the advantages, disadvantages and to optimize
patient outcomes.
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