2022, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (2)
Lived body and originary proletarization: Technology and anthropic perimeter in Paul Virilio and Bernard Stiegler
Vaccari A
Language: Spanish
References: 56
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Purpose/Context. This article examines the problem of cognitive impoverishment
in the age of digital and information technologies through a critical discussion
of two philosophers who have advanced lapidary diagnoses of the effects of
contemporary media on human consciousness: Bernard Stiegler and Paul Virilio.
Its purpose is to investigate possible lines of resistance against the cognitive effects
of digital and computer media.
Methodology/Approach. The methodological approach proceeds through a
comparative study, framed in the concept of “anthropic perimeter”, a posthumanist
approach to human subjectivity and biology.
Results/Findings. The article makes a theoretical contribution to the debate on
the cognitive and political effects of new technologies.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. His contribution consists of the identification
of two possible philosophical responses to the current situation of addiction
and impoverishment caused by media technologies. The theoretical framework
delineates future lines of research on the subject from a posthumanist.
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