2022, Number 2
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (2)
Feminist Perspectives for Bioethics
Rivera-Sanín ML
Language: Spanish
References: 42
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Purpose/Context. The article reviews central concepts of contemporary feminist proposals in order
to offer philosophical, epistemological and political analyses useful for the foundation and practice
of contemporary bioethics. It seeks to deepen and problematize central concepts of bioethical theories
such as autonomy, justice and vulnerability from a perspective anchored in an understanding of
social phenomena and subjectivities as immersed in a complex web of power structures.
Methodology/Approach. The text is formulated from a philosophical and analytical perspective
that builds a thread of concepts and categories for the revision and enrichment of some
fundamentals of contemporary bioethics. Diverse sources of feminist theories, philosophical
theories and political proposals are used to construct a way of situating oneself epistemologically
and politically in the face of the bioethical problems of the so-called feminist perspective.
Results/Findings. It is proposed that the adoption of a feminist perspective for bioethics
should be understood not as a reduced set of women’s problems, nor as a simple inclusion
of women in bioethical discussions, but as the adoption of a way of situating, observing and
analyzing social phenomena and bioethical problems from an understanding of the structural
causes of oppressions, which conceives gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, disability
and other axes of difference, as central categories of analysis.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The adoption of a feminist perspective implies a critical
review of the foundations of the field, particularly of principlism as the most widespread
version, making visible some of its limitations and problematic consequences. It also leads to
an epistemological review of the knowledge involved in the field and its deliberative practices,
pointing out the importance of addressing the conditions that prevent or hinder the fulfillment
of the political commitment of bioethics as a pluralistic and transformative space for societies.
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