2022, Number 1
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (1)
Uncertainty of pregnant with HIV in antiretroviral treatment
Romero GIR, Muñoz MDI, Benitez CL, Abdul RK, Arteaga NA
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 89-98
PDF size: 231.41 Kb.
Objective: determine the level of uncertainty of HIV pregnant women in antiretroviral
therapy and their relationship to the variables age, occupation, marital status, years of
study and weeks of gestation. The experience of living with HIV confronts the individual
with certain complex situations or processes, where psychosocial implications may
arise. For its part, pregnancy with HIV has been described as an experience governed
by fear and uncertainty related to the risk of infection and the effect of antiretrovirals
on the unborn child, which could represent a risk to physical health and emotional of
the dyad.
Materials and Methods: observational, descriptive study with an analytical
component. The population consisted of all pregnant women diagnosed with HIV and
antiretroviral treatment, who attended a check-up at an IPS in the city of Montería
Results: 65% of pregnant women with HIV, on antiretroviral treatment,
presented a high level of global uncertainty, 14% regular and 21% low.
Conclusion: the
pregnant women with HIV in antiretroviral therapy participating in the study presented
a high level of uncertainty, especially regarding the prognosis, treatment and diagnosis.
Of the variables analyzed, the relationship of uncertainty with age and weeks of
gestation was evident.
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