2022, Number 1
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (1)
Use of volumetric capnography in adult intensive care unit. Tunja, Colombia - 2018
Valero OAS, Corredor GSP, Silva RLJ, Albarracín FCO, Otálora DAV
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 28-36
PDF size: 195.55 Kb.
Introduction: volumetric Capnography noninvasive functional test that allows monitoring
ventilatory changes and clinical status of the patient according to metabolism,
perfusion and ventilation.
Objective: to characterize the clinical use of volumetric
capnography in adult intensive care unit of the Empresa Social del Estado Hospital
Universitario San Rafael de Tunja period 2016-2017.
Methods: prospective crosssectional
study with analytical phase, study universe comprised of patients monitored
with volumetric capnography, sample calculated through formula for finite population
corresponding to 46 patients.
Results: the male sex prevails over the female sex,
with mean age of 45 years (SD 19,2), 91,3% of patients presented restrictive pulmonary
pathology, the most used capnography parameter for ventilatory management
was alveolar volume and carbon dioxide slope for monitoring ventilation/ perfusion,
in addition there was statistically significant relationship between physiological dead
space and alveolar minute volume, and between slope and respiratory pathology.
Conclusions: volumetric capnography in the ICU is used as a tool for the analysis of
carbon dioxide kinetics, with alveolar volume being the most commonly used parameter
for monitoring alveolar recruitment and gas exchange effectiveness. It is possible to
infer the underutilization of the other monitored parameters, which allow establishing
relevant and applicable information for the surveillance and safety of the critical patient
on mechanical ventilation in terms of metabolism and perfusion.
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Benites A, Poblete B, Céspedes V, et al. Capnografía volumétrica y su aplicación en la monitorización dela ventilación mecánica. Revista Chilena de Medicina Intensiva. 2019;34(3):1-10.Disponible en: https://www.medicina-intensiva.cl/revista/pdf/68/2.pdf