2021, Number 3
Frontotemporal dementia from a neuropsychological point of view
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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Introduction: The richness of the neuropsychological manifestations of frontotemporal dementia has allowed the identification of different variants of the disease. However, there are patients in whom the clinical characteristics of more than one variant are intertwined, which has led to question the current classifications.Objective: To characterize the cognitive functioning of a patient with concomitant behavioral and language disorders, typical of frontotemporal dementia.
Case presentation: Right-handed female, 50 years old, affected by marked behavioral changes, to which language alterations were progressively added in a period of evolution of approximately one year and six months. Images of Computerized Axial Tomography that confirm cortical atrophy mainly frontal. The Neuropsychological Battery abbreviated NEUROPSI, the Hasegawa Scale and the Litvan Frontal Evaluation Battery were used for the evaluation, with a predominance of alterations in printed and expressive language, executive functions and verbal memory.
Conclusions: The alterations detected confirm the coexistence of manifestations of the behavioral variant (with a tendency to disinhibition) and the semantic variant of frontotemporal dementia.
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