2021, Number 3
Characterization of Suicide Attempt Patients from ''Pedro Díaz Coello'' Polyclinic in Holguin
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 486.28 Kb.
Introduction: Suicide is a public health concern, due to its high prevalence at the present time and the lack of implementation of adequate preventive strategies in a significant number of countries.Objective: To characterize suicide attempt patients from the health area of Pedro Díaz Coello Polyclinic in Holguín.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out in, the period 2015-2019, with a universe of 138 patients. The variables age, sex, school level, marital status, method used and risk factors were used.
Results: A predominance was found in the number of patients between ten and twenty years of age (52.2%) as well as in the female sex (60%), while 57 patients (41.33%) had completed junior high school. Singles were the most prevalent, accounted for 80 (58%). Ingestion of tablets was the most used method, accounting for 92 patients (66.6%), of which the female sex had the highest number; however, in the male sex, the predominant method was hanging. As a risk factor, depression was the most prevalent, accounting for 40 (29%) patients.
Conclusions: Female adolescents who had completed only junior high school used ingestion of tablets as a suicide attempt method and presented depression as the main risk factor.
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