2021, Number 3
Rehabilitative management of a patient with an uncemented hip prosthesis
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Hip fracture is a global health problem with high morbidity and mortality and high economic-social cost. It is more common in women and in adults over 60 years of age. The objective of the article is to feature the postoperative evolution of a patient who underwent rehabilitation treatment for three months. She had pain and functional incapability in her left lower limb after a fall that caused her hip fracture. Therefore, the patient required implantation of an uncemented total hip prosthesis. She underwent rehabilitation treatment including magnetic bed, electrical stimulation, exercises in a therapeutic gym, rectal ozone therapy and moxibustion. At the end of the treatment, the patient improved tone, strength, muscle trophism, and cardiorespiratory function. In conclusion, the personalized, progressive and intensive rehabilitation treatment allowed the patient to re-educate her gait with independence and to return to her daily activities.REFERENCES
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