2022, Number 2
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Rev Hematol Mex 2022; 23 (2)
Management of Jehovah’s Witnesses with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Twenty years of experience in a reference hospital in Mexico City
Ramos-Peñafiel C, Martínez-Murillo C, Olarte-Carrillo I, Rozen-Fuller E, Ferrer-Argote V, Pérez-Sámano D, Gallardo-Rodríguez AG, Martínez-Tovar A
Language: English
References: 33
Page: 99-106
PDF size: 297.01 Kb.
Objective: To describe the treatments used to extend recommendations for the care
of Jehovah’s Witnesses patients.
Materiales and Methods: A retrospective study including patients treated from
1999 to 2019 at the General Hospital of Mexico in Mexico City, Jehovah’s Witnesses
who received a treatment scheme for acute lymphoblastic leukemia without transfusion
Results: A total of 11 Jehovah’s Witnesses patients, 7 adults (mean age, 41 years) and
4 pediatric patients (mean age, 8 years) were treated. When classifying according to the
hemoglobin level, 5/11 patients had hemoglobin levels less than 6 g/dL at diagnosis,
3/11 between 6 to 9 g/L, and 3/11 with levels higher than 10 g/dL. Of the four pediatric
patients, all achieved a complete remission; in adults 4/7 achieved a complete remission,
and 3/7 had a failure in induction. At the end of the follow up, 6/7 relapsed to
bone marrow compared to 2/4 pediatric patients. The different hemoglobin values at
diagnosis did not significantly impact survival or the percentage of relapse.
Conclusions: The treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses patients is possible without
transfusion support but with the combination of high doses of sanguineous stimulants
to average the prognosis of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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