2022, Number 2
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Rev Hematol Mex 2022; 23 (2)
Post-phlebotomy microcytic erythrocytosis: A new clinical entity
Amaru R, Aguilar M, Velarde J, Mamani R, Patón D, Carrasco M
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 91-98
PDF size: 243.65 Kb.
Objective: To describe microcytic erythrocytosis due to iron deficiency after frequent
phlebotomies in patients with pathological erythrocytosis at high altitude.
Materials and Methods: A prospective longitudinal study that included patients
with pathological erythrocytosis, all residing in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, at 3600 and
4000 masl, respectively. Three months after initiating phlebotomies aimed at reducing
Hb levels, patients presented signs of iron deficiency and persistence of blood hyperviscosity.
Clinical and laboratory studies were conducted to determine iron deficiency
and microcytic erythrocytosis (MCV ‹ 75 fl, serum ferritin ‹ 15 ng/mL). Subsequently,
intravenous iron saccharate 100 mg/day for 5 days in a group of patients, and polymaltose
iron 100 mg/day orally for one month in other patients were administered.
Results: There were included 117 patients. Microcytosis (MCV: men 73.3 fl, women
72.5 fl), decreased serum ferritin (men 7.9 ng/mL, women 6.5 ng/mL) and persistence
of hyperviscosity symptoms were observed. Treatment with intravenous iron showed
an increased MCV and remission of hyperviscosity symptoms in 65% of patients.
Simultaneously, treatment with oral iron increased MCV and decreased hyperviscosity
symptoms (20%) gradually. Hemoglobin and hematocrit increased in both groups
without reaching initial preflebotomy values.
Conclusions: Post-phlebotomy microcytic erythrocytosis is a new clinical entity
secondary to iron loss due to frequent phlebotomies and can be treated with intravenous
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