2021, Number 3
Ergometry in cuban high performance training
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-14
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Introduction: The Cuban Sports Research Center, in close relationship with the Institute of Sports Medicine, has carried out numerous functional tests on high-performance athletes for cardiorespiratory monitoring. As part of the medical control of athletes, cardiopulmonary ergometric tests have been carried out in the laboratory, with the novelty of adjusting the protocols to the special needs of the athlete depending on their sports modality.Objectives: To demonstrate the importance of cardiovascular exercise testing for sports training and to redesign sports exercise testing protocols according to the specificities of the athletic modality.
Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal study was carried out from November 2019 to February 2020. Intentional selective sample, all the athletes of the national teams in each modality such as judo, boxing and wrestling.
Results: The ergometry protocols were redesigned based on the conventional standardized in sports medicine, for judo, boxing and wrestling. Optimal parameters, as heart rate, maximum oxygen volume and metabolic equivalent, were obtained for each sports modality.
Conclusions: Ergospirometric tests are a useful scientific tool in sports medicine. Redesigning ergometric protocols allows better functional assessment of the athletes and provides adequate scientific support for individual training. Cardiopulmonary ergometry is an instrument available to evaluate, recover and improve the functional and sports capacities of high-performance athletes, especially in the post-COVID-19 stage.
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