2022, Number Esp
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Rev Med UAS 2022; 12 (Esp)
Predominant chronic degenerative phenotypic features associated with Down syndrome: A narrative review
Esparza-Ocampo K, Chaidez-Fernández Y, Magaña-Ordorica D, Angulo-Rojo C, Guadrón-Llanos A, Castro-Apodaca F, Magaña-Gómez J
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 3-22
PDF size: 447.54 Kb.
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomopathy, with a prevalence of 3.7 and 2.9 per 10,000 births in
Mexico and Sinaloa, respectively. Although life expectancy has been increasing in this population, from 8 years five
decades ago to 60 years today, it also leads to the appearance of chronic and degenerative conditions typical of aging,
and apparently of greater risk in this population. Conditions such as intellectual disability, ophthalmic disorders, congenital
cardiac malformations, gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic disorders such as overweight, obesity and diabetes,
Alzheimer's disease, leukemia, thyroid disease, ischemic and cerebrovascular disease are frequent causes of morbidity
and mortality. Therefore, knowledge of the clinical aspects of these patients will help to improve prevention and intervention
programs, reduce complications and improve the care and quality of life of this population.
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