2023, Number 45
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (45)
Construction of algorithms as a learning strategy in medicine
Pérez RFR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 30-43
PDF size: 404.99 Kb.
Introduction: The processes are in almost all the processes of interaction and coordination to complete demanding physical and mental tasks in the future, assuming in medicine, the passage from biological algorithms to artificial ones with error elimination and optimal management putting information with greatest benefit to humans.
Objective: To determine the perception of the usefulness of the application of the theory of algorithms for the solution of clinical problems through the application of algorithmic reasoning.
Material and method: To evaluate the perception of the application of the theory of algorithms in the solution of clinical, theoretical and real problems, the perception of the usefulness of the theory of algorithms in medical students was explored, through the application surveys before and after an educational intervention.
Results: After the intervention, the perception of the students is that the majority (more than 70%) considers that they are essential for doctors, that their use is evident in the medical literature and that it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the subject to be treated. Regarding the usefulness for learning, the majority (more than 60%) consider that they serve to describe or remember a topic, to explain or summarize and to organize and establish solutions to a problem. The opinions of the student body were predominantly positive for the usefulness of the algorithms.
Conclusion: The theory of algorithms provides a methodological alternative for learning since different areas of medical knowledge are integrated, it requires one or several ways of solution and that help to describe or explain the pathology, or for its application in a real context of care. to the patient.
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