2023, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2023; 22 (1)
Food and lifestyles during pandemic confinement in university students from Chiapas, Mexico
Nájera-Ortiz JC, Cartas-Fuentevilla G
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 29-37
PDF size: 300.96 Kb.
Introduction: During the period of confinement due to covid-19, the population modified work and social activities, altering
eating patterns, physical activity practices and sleep, causing a direct impact on physical and emotional health.
Objective: To
describe the changes generated in eating behavior and lifestyles during the COVID-19 pandemic in a university population
living in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.
Material and method: Cross-sectional study, where university students from the state
of Chiapas, Mexico participated. Data collection was carried out through a digital survey using Google Forms.
Results: 306
students participated with an average age of 20.75 years (SD= 2.062), a statistically significant increase was found in the
number of meals eaten per day, the average per week in consumption of processed meat, eggs, cookies (pastries) and sugary
drinks. Statistically significant decrease in consumption of fish and shellfish, dairy, fast food. Also, significant increase, sleep
time, watching television and use of electronic devices.
Conclusions: The population presented a tendency to changes in
diet and unhealthy lifestyles, increasing the risk factors of suffering from other types of diseases.
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