2021, Number 3
LECISAN® and its therapeutic potentialities for the pharmacological approach to obesity
Language: Spanish
References: 37
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Introduction: Obesity has been identified as a chronic state of systemic inflammation known as lipoinflammation. In recent times, the discovery of key molecules acting as therapeutic targets, as well as their connections and existing mechanisms, has gained relevance. On the other hand, it is known how difficult it is to obtain new natural drugs as alternatives or complementary therapies in chronic noncommunicable diseases such as obesity and dyslipidemias. LECISAN® stands out as a candidate, for its potentialities.Objective: To assess the results of preclinical and clinical investigations that support the use of LECISAN®.
Methods: A systematic and critical review of evidence about the impact of the effects of soy lecithin was carried out. Articles published preferably in the last ten years were consulted, from the EBSCO, Google Scholar, Latindex, Redalyc, DOAJ, Dialnet, WorldCat, LILACS, SciELO and OATD databases.
Conclusions: LECISAN® is a natural product that goes beyond the context of its use as a nutritional supplement, but requires new research in the field of pharmacology. The results regarding its possible effects and uses are contradictory and inconclusive, based on hypotheses that relate an emulsifying action with the phospholipids present in the mixture, the antioxidant effects with isoflavones, the anti-inflammatory effects with the polyunsaturated fatty acids that regulate lipid metabolism, as well as the activation of the phospholipase A2 system with the consequent production of inflammatory cytosines.
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