2021, Number 3
Learning and the new information and communication technologies
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 463.26 Kb.
The new information and communication technologies add progressive changes in the current teaching system, as long as the influence of technological innovation fosters new ways of conceiving learning. For this reason, conceptions, processes and paradigms of the teaching-educational activity have gradually migrated from the traditional to the techno-pedagogical model. Based on this, the objective was to expose the aspects related to learning, the different theories that support it and the most significant elements related to learning and learning networks. The study used the contrast between theoretical methods, such as the historical-logical, as well as theoretical systematization for gathering information, construction, the development and the final structuring of the product. The results were focused on updating the theoretical knowledge of learning and the new information and communication technologies, in order to encourage the research community to deepen on the subject. The new information and communication technologies give learning a more autonomous character, and increase, in turn, its social character, due to the continuous development in the Web, in social networks and in virtual learning environments and communities in the Internet. In turn, connectivism has made it possible to establish new ways of conceiving education, by adequately articulating the technological with the pedagogical, through a process of continuous training for the professor regarding issues of technology applied to education.REFERENCES
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