2021, Number 2
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2021; 25 (2)
Frequency of mammography, ultrasound, clinical breast exam and self-exam in the general population
Bonilla-Sepúlveda ÓA
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 501-511
PDF size: 87.35 Kb.
Introduction. Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer that affects women.
It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will eventually develop breast cancer. One
of the tools against breast cancer is to create early detection strategies, and mammography
has proven to be very useful. The aim of this study was to determine the
frequency of mammography, ultrasound, clinical breast exam and self-exam, and
to evaluate their use as screening tests for breast cancer in a cohort of patients that
attended at the Clinica del Prado in Medellin, Colombia.
Methodology. Descriptive,
cross-sectional study, carried out through a survey in 318 women between June and
December 2018. The frequency of the different screening methods was estimated
and the sociodemographic characteristics, personal history and family history were
evaluated. Additionally, a possible association between the practice of mammography
as a screening test and the different variables was analyzed.
Results. Mean age
was 44.2 years. The most used screening method was the self-exam (70.1%), mostly
monthly (76.7%), followed by mammography (56%), mostly occasional (46%). The
clinical breast exam was used in 45.9% of the patients, with an annual frequency in
50% of them. Lastly, breast ultrasound was performed in 43.1% of those surveyed,
mostly occasional (39.4%). An independent analysis was carried out for women between
50 and 69 years old, and although 93.8% had mammograms, only 9.3% had
them every 2 years, as recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection
guidelines. No statistically significant differences were found between the study
variables and the use of mammography as a screening method.
Conclusion. In the
studied population, breast self-exam is performed by most women on a monthly basis.
The frequency of mammography, clinical breast exam and ultrasound was very
similar. A higher percentage of mammograms performed as a screening test was
expected. It is necessary to strengthen this effective strategy for the early detection
of breast cancer, taking into consideration the particular situation of each patient,
the effectiveness and advantages of the technique, and the associated costs.
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