2021, Number 3
Autologous platelet lysate and its effectiveness in patients with epicondylitis
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 1-18
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Introduction: Epicondylitis is one of the most frequent reasons for attending consultation in both primary and specialized care; while it is undoubtedly one of the problems with the greatest impact on the person who suffers from it. The managment epicondylitis is a challenge for medicine, due to the enormous health-related and social implications, as well as the pain and functional impotence that it causes.Objective: To assess the effectiveness of autologous platelet lysate as a treatment alternative in patients with epicondylitis.
Method: A prospective, longitudinal, analytical and quasiexperimental study was carried out, in which the use of autologous platelet lysate as an alternative treatment in patients with epicondylitis was assessed. The universe consisted of patients who attended the orthopedics and traumatology consultation, during the period between October 2014 and July 2018, with a diagnosis of epicondylitis. The sample was made up of eighty patients who met the inclusion criteria; exclusion criteria were also considered.
Results: The age group between 36 and 56 years, together with the female sex, are the most represented with respect to suffering from this disease. Infiltrations of autologous platelet lysate provide better outcomes than the conventional one, while greater representation of remitted patients is observed. Complications were much more evident in conventional treatment. The cost-benefit relationship of treatment with autologous platelet lysate is also relevant.
Conclusions: Treatment with autologous platelet lysate can be an alternative to improve the quality of life of patients with epicondylitis.
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