2022, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2022; 17 (1)
Companies in research on innovations in medicines
Gamboa-Bernal GA
Language: Spanish
References: 43
PDF size: 154.91 Kb.
Purpose/Background. The role of the pharmaceutical industry can be examined from
multiple angles. The presence of these companies during the pandemic has been forced
by the need to have, in the shortest possible time, vaccines capable of preventing infections
and effective drugs to treat those affected, that is, the development of innovative
Methodology/Approach. From a bioethical perspective, it reflects on four issues related
to the role of these companies in analogous circumstances: the responsibilities of
the Sponsors in the research processes; contracting with Contract Research Organizations;
the relationship with researchers and interaction with the Research Ethics Committees
(IRB); and, finally, on a way to contain the double standard in research.
Results/Findings. The Sponsors have precise responsibilities that are guided by international
documents and guidelines; there is a need for greater clarity in the work of
CROs; researchers can improve interaction with IRBs; ethical dumping must be avoided.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. It is concluded that the pharmaceutical industry
has a role of co-responsibility in the production processes of innovative medicines
with other actors, with whom it must maintain a transparent and fluid dialogue and
must be guided not only by the Good Clinical Practice Guidelines, but mainly because
of the Declaration of Helsinki. One medium can help eliminate the double standard in
research: the TRUST Code; thus, pharmaceutical companies can contribute to improving
the ethical culture of research.
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