2021, Number 3
Information on HIV/AIDS in the medical students in the University of the Gambia
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 797-812
PDF size: 241.56 Kb.
Introduction. In the 20th century, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, detected in the United States of America in 1981, immediately acquired an explosive epidemic in the main cities of the country and spread to other parts of the world, as a serious problem of the world health. The objective of this work is to evaluate the level of information on HIV / AIDS that students in their fourth year of Medicine at the University of Gambia have.Methods. An observational-descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out during 2020, based on the collaboration between health professionals from the University of Gambia and Cubans from the same sector who provide their services in that nation. The universe and sample were made up of the 44 students of the mentioned year.
Results. Respondents have inadequate information on the subject; with greater difficulty male students; a high percent recognize the sexual route as the main one in the transmission of HIV / AIDS and the regular and adequate use of condoms as a means of protection against the virus; but the conditions of safe sex do not dominate. The counseling service is the main orientation before a questionable sexual relationship; whereas, the primary means of acquiring knowledge was school.
Discussion. The correspondence of the current results with those of research from different parts of the world was verified, in which the masculinity and cultural factors stand out as determinants in the knowledge and perception of risk in individuals. The role of health personnel for prevention and education of the population is also recognized.
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