2022, Number 1
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salud ciencia tec 2022; 2 (1)
Educational strategy for the training of herbalist promoters
López VJ, Hernández CL, Rivero VC, Mendoza ZY, Cozo MO
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 160.85 Kb.
Introduction: both curricular and extracurricular implementation of MNT has implemented at different levels of training, from primary education to postgraduate training, with entry into a number of disciplines and subjects, both in open and/or closed curricula.
Aim: To describe the results of an educational strategy for the training of herbalist promoters in primary school students.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out. An intentional sample was selected (100 students of 5th grade and 135 students of 6th grade) and 20 specialists in General Comprehensive Medicine. Students were surveyed and interviewed.
Results: 42,4 % of the students considered that their knowledge of herbal medicine was quite adequate; 43,9 % stated that the plant most used by the population is aloe vera; 34,8 % stated that it is part of the culture of the population. 42,8 % stated that the plants are used to treat diarrhea, while 48,3 % stated that the leaf is the most used. In general, the specialists in General Comprehensive Medicine value the strategy as pertinent.
Conclusions: the design of the educational strategy, allowed the analysis of the internal connections of systemic planning in primary education, from its theoretical foundations and the assessment of its relevance according to criteria of the specialists in General Integral Medicine, which made possible the training of herbal promoters in function of satisfying the learning needs of the community in these topics.
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