2022, Number 1
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salud ciencia tec 2022; 2 (1)
Nasal Obstructive Syndrome in patients with orthodontic treatment
Hernández BN
Language: Spanish
References: 31
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Background: Nasal Obstructive Syndrome, is more abundant among children than is generally assumed and may be the initial symptom of a bronchial asthma attack or be the state preceding sensitization of the lower airways.
Aim: to characterize SON in a sample of children aged 7 to 12 years.
Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of 194 children who were examined in the office.
Results: the prevalence of female sex was found to be 63,9 % and the age group 7-9 years with 56,7 %; the most prevalent dentomaxillofacial anomalies according to sex were: Bilabial incompetence with 51,5 % and 48,4 % antero-lower crowding. The 48,4 % of the patients present Angle Class I. There are 34,5 % of children treated in the specialty of Otorhinolaryngology who receive drug treatment; while 62,8 % who maintain the habit of mouth breather.
Conclusions: in this study it was found that female patients and the age group 7 to 9 years were the most affected. At the age of 7 to 9 years, Class I prevailed and according to sex, Class II. There was evidence of a greater number of patients receiving medication treatment during orthodontic treatment, with the age group 7 to 9 years prevailing. A greater number of patients aged 7 to 9 years maintained the habit of mouth breathing despite orthodontic treatment.
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