2018, Number 1
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (1)
Cognitive-behavioral intervention on senior adults with sleep disorders
Masalan AMP, Del Río CMP, Yánez CÁC, Arayac AX, Molina Y
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 6-16
PDF size: 242.93 Kb.
Sleep disorders among senior adults are a frequent problem which has important impacts on their
quality of life, and the costs of healthcare. The current management of these disorders is based on drug
prescriptions, which in turn, have secondary effects and also enhance underlying conditions and vulnerabilities.
Within this context, the objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a cognitive
behavioral intervention aimed at improving the quality of sleep of these persons by modifying negative
habits, thoughts, and beliefs. The method included group cognitive-behavioral interventions with
pre and post assessments. The corresponding results showed a mean of 9 (Pittsburg) at the beginning
of the program, and a mean of 4.9 at the end. It was thus concluded that the intervention, in the short
term, helped to achieve significant improvements in relation to the sleep hygiene of these persons. This
study can orient nursing professionals to establish strategies aimed at the wellbeing of senior adults; all
within the vital processes and essential care strengthening framework.
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