2021, Number 3
Characterization and follow-up algorithm for patients operated on from undescended testicles in Holguin
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: The lack of testicular descent constitutes one of the most frequent pediatric conditions that need surgical treatment.Objective: To characterize the condition of patients operated on from undescended testicles and design an algorithm for postoperative follow-up.
Method: A descriptive study of a series of cases in 177 patients treated from January 2000 to January 2018, at the Surgery Service of the University Pediatric Hospital Octavio de la Concepción y la Pedraja in Holguín, Cuba.
Results: The trouble on the right side predominated in 68.9%; 49 children presented it on the left side, meaning 27.7% and 6 had it bilateral, which meant 3.4%. Between 1-4 years old, there was 20.9%; 5-9 years old, 40.7%; 10-14 years old, 33.3% and between 15-18 years old, 5.1%. Most patients were born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation, which meant 94.4%. Conventional orchidopexy was applied to 129 patients with palpable testicles (72.9%) and video laparoscopic treatment, to 48 patients without palpable testicles (27.1%). Normal-size testicles were present in 79.1% and only 39 patients had minor complications (22%). An algorithm was designed for the follow-up of these patients.
Conclusions: Most of the patients were born at term with palpable testicles on the right side and a minimum of complications to the surgical treatment. An algorithm was obtained for the follow-up of patients operated on from undescended testicles, in order to avoid the serious consequences of infertility and malignancy.
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