2021, Number 3
Breast cancer mortality in Rafael Freyre Torres municipality, Holguin, Cuba: 1997-2018
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) has increased to a remarkable degree around the world, despite the fact that there are better diagnostic tools, various early detection programs, better treatments and a greater knowledge of risk factors.Objective: To characterize BC mortality in Rafael Freyre Torres municipality between 1997- 2018.
Method: A cross-sectional investigation was carried out. The universe was composed by 100 deaths from this cause that occurred in that period, in Rafael Freyre Torres municipality, Holguín province, Cuba.
Results: The mean annual crude mortality rate for the last 22 years was 16.9 x 105 women. The highest mortality occurred in 2010 with a rate of 33.6 x 105 women and in the group ≥ 80 years with a rate of 126.1 x 105. Mortality due to BC has an upward trend in the municipality in the last 22 years, it increases from the age of 50 years, premature mortality was high with 56 deaths and a rate of 394.6 x 105 women and the potentially lost years of life were also high with 1040. The geographical areas with the highest epidemiological risk are "Fray Benito" health area with a rate of 30.5 x 105 women and the popular councils of ¨Fray Benito¨ and ¨La Caridad¨ with mortality rates of 32.3 and 31.1 x 105 women respectively.
Conclusions: BC mortality in the municipality constitutes a health problem.
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