2021, Number 1
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2021; 25 (1)
Endogamy as a cause of consanguinity and its association with congenital anomalies
Torres-Hernández D, Fletcher-Toledo T, Ortiz-Martínez RA, Acosta-Aragón MA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 409-418
PDF size: 325.47 Kb.
The role of consanguinity as a cause of homozygosity in human health
is a focus of interest in medical genetics, due to its relationship with congenital
anomalies and recessive genetic pathologies. This is an important issue since the
rates of consanguineous unions in certain societies have decreased over time, but
have remained stable or have increased in others. Consanguinity is practiced in up
to 10% of the world population, and the most common reasons are sociocultural
and socioeconomic factors. Although there has been a decrease in this practice,
probably due to urban migration and an increase in education rates, consanguinity
continues to be practiced throughout the world. The most significant effects on reproductive
outcomes are mainly due to autosomal recessive hereditary conditions,
that also increase the frequency of medical disorders. The aim of this review is to
present the current evidence of the association between consanguinity originating
from endogamy, with congenital abnormalities and medical disorders originated
from mendelian genetic pathologies. A cultural appropriate approach is required
for genetic counseling in relation to consanguineous endogamy.
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