2021, Number 3
Educational program to face a future life with quality in early retirement
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 64-80
PDF size: 183.07 Kb.
Background: the preparation programs for assuming a healthy retirement are key elements in protecting life quality in early retirement people.Objective: to show the effectiveness of the application of an educational program aimed at people in pre-retirement stage to face a future life with quality.
Methods: a multi-stage study with a quasi-experimental design was carried out at the “Marta Abreu” University Polyclinic, in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, from January 2017 to February 2019. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural; empirical ones: documentary analysis, questionnaire before and after applying the program; and to assess the proposal, the focal and nominal groups were used, as well as the criteria of specialists, in addition, mathematical-statistical methods were used.
Results: the diagnosis showed the need to prepare early retirees to face a new stage of their lives with quality, so an educational program was designed which was structured in five modules: retirement as a transcendental stage in the adult life, physical and psychological health, psychosocial well-being and emotional intelligence, planning and entrepreneurship, and comprehensive adaptation to a new phase. It was valued by specialists, who considered it very relevant and feasible.
Conclusions: the educational program was effective for improving the quality of life in early retirement in the study group, since meaningful changes in the direction of progress were found when comparing their knowledge before and after it was applied and in relation to the control group.
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