2021, Number 3
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EduMeCentro 2021; 13 (3)
Strategy for the multidisciplinary follow-up of patients with multiple sclerosis
Vázquez-Gómez LA, Hidalgo MC, Beltrán GBM, Broche-Pérez Y, Valdés MY, Mederos-Herrera AM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 42-63
PDF size: 180.92 Kb.
health promotion can be interpreted as a new path, a strategy, a philosophy or a different way of thinking and acting to achieve the health of peoples. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological demyelinating disease that requires long-term follow-up, systematic character and greater competitiveness in medical care to achieve perceived quality of life in these patients.
to design a strategy for the multidisciplinary follow-up of patients with multiple sclerosis aimed at increasing the perceived quality of life.
a development investigation was carried out in the Neurology Service of the "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Clinical-Surgical University Hospital of Villa Clara Province from May 2017 to May 2019. Theoretical methods were used: inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and historical- logical; and empirical ones: documentary analysis, direct observation, the structured interview and the focal group with the members of the work team and the patients, in addition to other investigative techniques.
there were shortcomings in the multidisciplinary follow-up of the patients and the human resources trained for their management were not used, so a strategy was developed that was assessed by expert criteria, which contains an action plan to guarantee the functioning of multidisciplinary consultation with the application of a follow-up program.
the designed strategy is aimed at training a patient who is responsible and active in self-care, and at strengthening the capacities of the work team to achieve this objective; it was rated as Very adequate by expert criteria.
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