2019, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2019; 9 (2)
Feasibility and safety of a systematized technique for the mobilization of the laparoscopic splenic flexure (AMPaV4)
Tapia AM, Villanueva HJA, Jiménez BB
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 76-89
PDF size: 457.55 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate feasibility, safety and describe the technique of the mobilization of the splenic flexure by laparoscopy used in
a third level center.
Material and Methods: The videos available with mobilization of the splenic flexure were analyzed in the period
from March to October 2017. The systematized steps for the DAE were analyzed and AMPaV4 mnemonic was created to describe
Results: 9 patients were studied, 55.6% were female, mostly intervened by a clinical stage III colorectal cancer (66%), with
a lesion at the sigmoid level (44.4%), the time to perform each of the steps On average, critics averaged 2 to 4 minutes, the total time
of surgery was 175.5 minutes on average and the average time to perform the descent of the splenic angle with the AMPaV4 technique
was on average 26.9 minutes, which is less than 15 minutes. % of total surgical time.
Conclusion: The medial approach for the
mobilization of the splenic angle despite being a complex surgical technique, using the AMPaV4 technique allows us to perform safely
and effectively, with lower risk of complications, ensuring a stress-free anastomotic, with adequate vascularity, without presenting
significant difference in terms of intra and postoperative morbidity, and even make this approach easier for the surgeon and consequently
safer for the patients
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