2022, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (6)
Intravenous fluid therapy in the hospitalized clinical patient
Inzunza-Cervantes G, Duarte-Quintero JL, López-Chiquete MO, Blanco-Olivas JA, Jacobo-Ochoa S
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 1233-1243
PDF size: 380.25 Kb.
Intravenous fluid therapy is one of the most common therapeutic prescriptions in
hospitalized clinical patients with the aim of correcting or maintaining the water and
electrolyte balance that guarantees adequate cardiac output, perfusion and tissue
oxygenation to the different organs. During the last decades it has presented great and
constant advances that make it necessary to review and analyze it frequently: in general,
the four main indications for its administration are resuscitation, replacement, maintenance
and fluid slippage. Prior to its administration, the indications, contraindications,
volume, frequency and type of liquid to be administered must be known, analyzing
above all the benefit-risk relationship and seeking to restore the enteral route as soon as
possible. A non-systematic narrative review of the topic was carried out, searching for
references in Elsevier, Pubmed, SciELO, Medline, Nature and New England Journal of
Medicine published from 2010 to 2020 in English and Spanish. The progress obtained
in intravenous fluid therapy is evident from its implementation in the replacement of
water and electrolytes lost in diarrheal diseases to the concept of optimizing cardiac
output, therapy guided by objectives and phases, becoming one of the most frequent
indications in hospitalized clinical patients; its indication must be made in a conscientious
way and according to the clinical situation of the patient, maintaining close
monitoring through clinical measurements or the use of imaging studies, which allow
determining their response, avoiding complications.
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