2022, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (6)
Ascites: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment
Vidal-González D, Moreno-Madrigal LG, Pérez-López KP, Vera-Nungaray SA
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 1223-1232
PDF size: 215.67 Kb.
Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, caused by a wide variety of
entities, the most common is liver cirrhosis. In these patients, the development of ascites
is the consequence of splanchnic vasodilation, a decrease in the effective circulating
volume and activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin angiotensinaldosterone
system, in addition to a systemic inflammatory process. The diagnostic
approach includes, in addition to clinical data suggestive of ascites and its specific
causes, imaging studies (abdominal ultrasound is the initial method of choice, and
can be complemented with tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) and laboratory
studies, such as the serum-ascitic albumin gradient (which allows the distinction
between causes related to portal hypertension versus oncological, infectious and other
inflammatory ones, nephrotic syndrome, etc.), stains, cultures and cytology, among
others. Some molecular biomarkers are under investigation. Management is diverse
and depends on the specific cause.
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