2022, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (6)
Probabilistic analysis of cardiac dynamics for 20 hours in diabetic patients
Rodríguez-Velásquez JO, Correa-Herrera SC, Salazar-Flórez J, Prieto-Bohórquez SE, Valdés-Cadena, CA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1147-1154
PDF size: 208.98 Kb.
Objective: To test the diagnostic performance of a methodology based on probability
theory applied for 20 hours analyzing Holter records of diabetic subjects and to confirm
its clinical applicability.
Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was made in which
Holter records were collected from December 2019 to June 2020. The minimum and
maximum heart rate values were extracted as well as the number of beats per hour to
apply the diagnostic criteria of the probabilistic methodology through a blinded study.
Sensitivity and specificity values were calculated.
Results: A total of 48 Holter records were collected, which included 30, 14 and 4
records of subjects with cardiovascular disease without diabetes, with cardiovascular
disease and diabetes, and with diabetes without heart disease, respectively. The
cardiac dynamics of diabetic patients exhibited a mathematical behavior that varied
between the disease and the evolution to the disease, similar to the cardiac dynamics
of subjects with cardiovascular disease. The sensitivity and specificity values were
97% and 100%, respectively.
Conclusions: The clinical applicability of a diagnostic methodology of cardiac
dynamics in the context of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease was confirmed,
suggesting that this method is applicable to describe cardiac risk in this population.
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