2022, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2022; 65 (6)
Importance of Stigma in Epilepsy
Gómez Martínez S, Hernández-Martínez HE, Givaudan JJ, Guerrero-García JC, Saucedo-Alvarado PE, Velasco AL
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 8-14
PDF size: 531.36 Kb.
Stigma is a phenomenon characterized by a negative response
to a person possessing a different attribute within
the social group it develops. Two types of stigmas have been
described: perceived (felt) and promoted (enacted). Among
the diseases with the greatest burden associated with stigma
is epilepsy, one of the most prevalent neurological diseases
worldwide and with a chronic course. In recent years, greater
interest has been shown in the study of this phenomenon
since it directly affects the quality of life of people with epilepsy,
influencing their personal, academic and work development
and prognosis.
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