2017, Number 22
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (22)
Undergraduate publication in Latin America: Difficulties and associated factors among medical students
Sánchez-Duque JA, Gómez-González JF, Rodríguez-Morales AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 104-108
PDF size: 142.05 Kb.
Introduction: The teaching of scientific research within the undergraduate curriculum is a
fundamental aspect in student development, and should be a priority for all universities.
Objective: To identify associated factors in scientific publication among medical students from
Latin America.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted. The participants of an extracurricular
course coordinated by a scientific society responded continuously for 8 weeks to
questionnaires designed by the organising committee of the course.
Results: One hundred and forty-one students were included, 79.43% of whom belonged to a
scientific society, 48.94% had presented at least one research project at a scientific congress
while 19.15% had at least one scientific publication; cross-sectional studies and letters to the
editor were the main type of publication, with a prevalence of 37 and 33%, respectively.
Conclusions: The number of publications in which medical students are included in Latin America
is low. Membership in scientific societies, mainly those with student journals, increases the
probability of having a higher level of scientific production.
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