2017, Number 22
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (22)
Anatomical knowledge in veterinary medical students in Chile
Gutierrez JC, Gomez JM, Sudel G, Prater MR
Language: English
References: 13
Page: 70-74
PDF size: 93.36 Kb.
Introduction: Anatomy is considered a cornerstone in human and veterinary medical education,
as this basic science discipline provides a vital foundation on which to build the knowledge of
the clinical practice of medicine.
Objective: The aims of this study were: 1) to collect information on first year veterinary student
preference, and use of supportive educational tools, and 2) to assess long-term knowledge
retention in senior veterinary students who successfully completed the bovine anatomy course.
Method: A survey was administered to first-year veterinary students in order to identify their
learning tools of choice, and a diagnostic examination was designed to reflect highly relevant
basic anatomy knowledge was administered to senior veterinary students.
Results: Besides the regular cadaver-dissection laboratories, textbooks were the tool used most
frequently by first-year students to learn bovine anatomy. Computer technology was used by
only 12.2% of the students. When evaluating knowledge retention of bovine anatomy by fourth
year (senior) students, only 33.2% of the questions were answered correctly in the fourth year
Conclusions: These results were interpreted as a low long-term retention of knowledge in
Chilean veterinary medical students.
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