2017, Number 23
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (23)
Experiences of Mexican resident physicians during their first year of education
Acosta-Fernández M, Aguilera-Velasco MÁ, Pozos-Radillo BE, Torres-López TM, Parra OL
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 169-179
PDF size: 208.57 Kb.
Introduction: Research into the academic training of resident physicians in Mexico has steadily
grown. However, there are very few qualitative studies on the experiences of future medical
specialists, particularly during the first year of academic training when there are a variety of
situations that challenge the adaptability of students.
Objective: To determine, describe and interpret the experiences of medical residents during
their first year of training and the influence on their welfare and health.
Method: Phenomenological study that included 18 depth interviews was conducted on 13 medical
residents. Data collection was completed to obtain saturation. The Atlas.ti
® program for
qualitative data analysis was used.
Results: Training of medical residents was characterised by work overload, absence of control,
and ambiguity in roles to play, lack of support, and scarcity of resources. There
were also, imposing, threatening, humiliating, and power relationships with their superiors,
as well as discrediting by general practitioners, damage to personal life, stress, and
Conclusions: The impact that academic training can have on the health of medical residents
was manifested differently if one has to move to another city. They need to be offered
psychological support during their training and treated as persons deserving support and
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