2019, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2019; 10 (2)
Pica behavior in patients with chronic end-stage kidney disease: Behavioral, psychosocial and clinical variables associated
Lugo GIV, Sánchez CCT
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 207-217
PDF size: 177.77 Kb.
Pica behavior (PB) is defined as the persistent intake of non-nutritive substances, which has been
identified in various chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to estimate the presence of PB among
patients with chronic end-stage kidney disease (CESKD), to identify the main substances ingested,
as well as associated behavioral, psychosocial and clinical variables. A total of 100 adult patients (
= 43.9,
SD = 15.8), men and women, under hemodialysis, completed an evaluation that included questions
on the functional analysis of behavior. Of the total participants, 58% presented PB. The main
food substances ingested were: ice (37%), grains of sugar or salt (11%), and wheat flour (10%); of the
non-food substances highlighted: stones or partition (7%), bicarbonate or magnesia (6%), and mud
(5%). The main situations associated with PB were inactivity (27%) and anxiety (10%); as consequences
highlighted the feeling of well-being (36%) and decreased anxiety (10%). Patients with PB were
characterized by their lower age and perception of social support, as well as greater anxiety. The
results of this study support the development of specific forms of intervention for the management
of PB in patients with CESKD.
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