2021, Number 2
HIV infection: an approach to its prevention in men who have sex with men in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 29
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This paper describes the main interventions for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection, aimed at men who have sex with men, who constitute a risk group for acquiring the disease. For its preparation, the scientific literature published in national and international sources and documents considered relevant to the subject was selected. The analysis and recommendations focused on the health sector and the group of men who have sex with other men. The strategies to address the human immunodeficiency virus in Cuba are considered among the high-impact prevention programs, developed both by civil society, through grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and by the technicians of the National Program for the Prevention and Control of STI-HIV/AIDS. They include personalized service packages, containing structural, biomedical and behavioral elements for key population groups in the social contexts where they are most needed. As is known, the risk for each individual depends on their practices and not on the group to which they belong. These provide a common foundation for the development and promotion of proven prevention programs that allow reorganization of efforts, have greater impact, and reduce the number of new infections in this population group.REFERENCES
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